Monday, 30 September 2013

You'll get there :) i hope that for your 3rd reflection you'll have a clearer understanding of the course and would be able to share something you've learned with us.
hi i'm hoping to see a post from you very soon

Friday, 27 September 2013

Week 1 Reflection

For the first week of technology class, we met our Lecturer and learned a little about my classmates. We even learned that Educational technology, is the study and ethical practice of facilitating e-learning, which is the learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.

Week 2 Reflection

For this week of technology class, it was quite informative about the learning styles of persons. I even found out after doing a questionnaire that I read and write for my type of learning. Click on the following link to test your learning style. This video is about learning. Do enjoy.

Thursday, 19 September 2013


Education Technology is a course I am expecting to learn how to use the resource(computer) better in my classroom. I hope at the end of the sessions I am 100% a digital native. Do enjoy viewing my blog.